Anesthesia of the eye (enucleation, intraocular surgery)
Local anesthetics
Retrobulbar block
Local anesthetics: Ropivacain 0,75% / Bupivacain 0.5%
Injection volume: Cat: ca. 0.5 ml, Dog: max. 2 ml
Approach: 3-4cm long, slightly bent needle, enter half way between lateral canthus and mid of lower eyelid, pass globe in craniocaudal direction, redirect needle dorsomedially, pierce orbital fascia
Duration: 4-6 h
Contraindication: Neoplasia / Retrobulbar process, in these cases better perform splash block of the empty orbit
As with any intervention in the body, peripheral nerve blocks also carry the risk of complications. The presented procedures and dosages are thoroughly reviewed and based on currently available scientific data and clinical experience but should only be considered as guidelines along the contents of the course. The responsibility for performing the nerve blocks shown on this site as part of any anesthesia regimen or pain management lies with the executing clinician. B. Braun Vet Care GmbH and Dr. Papadopoulos cannot be held responsible for any complications or adverse effects, that may arise from the described techniques or for any mistakes in the information provided.