Arthrodesis plates
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Arthrodesis in dogs and cats
Pantarsalarthrodesis Hybrid Plage
Indication: Stabilisation of the tarsometatarsal joint in cats and dogs
- Two different holes for different screw sizes for the tibia and the metatarsal bones (hybrid)
- Middle round hole for the tarsal bone
- Available in different sizes and two different angulations for dogs and cats
- Left and right plates for the lateral approach to the tibia and the lateral metatarsal bone
Pancarpalarthrodesis Hybrid Plate
Indication: Stabilisation of the carpal joint in cats and dogs
- Two different DC holes for different screws for the radius and the metacarpal bones (hybrid)
- Middle round hole for the metacarpal bone
- Available in different sizes for dogs and cats
- Designed for the dorsal approach to the radius and third metacarpal bone